Hurricane Pamela - Awe Around The Earth

Hurricane Pamela

Just a short update today.  I found myself unable to sleep last night in a warm hostel room and started thinking of my mother.  In my 3 am deliruium I felt inspired and groggy and scrawled out a poem quickly about her that I’d like to share.  I don’t think it’s particularly good or special, but for those of you who knew my mother, hopefully it will make you smile.  It’s almost untouched from the form of last night and if nothing else, seems honest to me.


Hurricane Pamela
Whirling wild wisdom
We wished worshipped and willed
For you to stay  – But all winds must die down and disappear some day
To tranquility and peace – no for you that would be but boredom
To something
To anything
To a world meant to match your boundless energy
My hurricane
Unlike any other – my mother
For you built me up and never tore me down
Your whirling winds spoke of passion
Of hope
Of ambition
And turned me from a child to a man
Ready for this world
You left in your wake not wreckage but only hope and a smile
You made me strong
Made me dream
More importantly you made me almost unafraid to be a fool
I am caught in your winds for all of my days
I still hold thoughts of your grins as I wander this maze
Searching for remnants of you – recollections remembered
Reverance and reverie for there have never been memories
To truly show who you are, to capture all of your spark
Just faint traces to hold, kept free in my heart
Hurricanes come and are gone
Yet you lingered so long
But all too brief
All too brief
Such was your wild storm
A flash of euphoric light
In the end it is simple – I miss your winds and your love
But when pure lightening falls from the sky I know you watch from above
And your winds are still whirling
Your sparks are still burning
Somewhere in that great and unknown abyss
As this world keeps on turning
Just like a hurricane

About Me


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