Cracks Begin To Appear Sarajevo Bosnia - Awe Around The Earth

Cracks Begin To Appear Sarajevo Bosnia

Week 8:  Cracks begin to appear.
This is going to be much shorter than usual, because Im lazy and feeling quite ill.
The week began with a harrowing mountainous bus journey from Zabljak to Sarajevo.  Going back into Bosnia seemed like a nice idea but the bus ride alone made it a test  I’m not normally one for car sickness but in these winding mountain roads in the pouring rain I was feeling far from myself when I arrived. The hostel was very kind and I did enjoy my 3 days in Sarajevo wandering through the oldtown, watching gangs of old folks play chess on a huge board in the park all day every day.
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Sadly disaster struck on my third day as I opened my suddenly not so lovely macbook air to find a good 2 inch section of my screen broken, running from top to bottom.  I hurried to the reseller in Sarajevo but he did not have the part, he did say though that he thinks they will fix it under warranty in Zagreb since there is no exterior marks or anything.  I hope they do, if they don’t it will be upwards of 800 dollars to fix which seems absurd for a 1000 dollar computer.  If they refuse it will likely bring an end to my mac experience, but I’m really hoping that apple stands behind their project.  We will see on Wednesday or Thursday when I make it to Zagreb.
Sarajevo was strange, much like mostar and i’m definitely very much in love with Bosnia.  My last night which was unplanned the hostel I stayed in Hostel city centre Sarajevo was amazing and let me sleep on their very comfortable couch free of charge, resulting in my cheapest day of travel yet at 10 dollars Canadian.
 Finally, after two weeks completely off my plan I managed to get back to somewhere I was actually planning to go.  To Split in Croatia.
I spent 3 nights there and it was lovely, although sadly I have started getting sick so after my first day there spent hiking I had to relax a little more and just wander a stunning old town and write in fits and bursts.
I am now writing from Sibenik in Croatia.  Tomorrow I will head out to Krka falls national park and I am really hoping I feel better by then.  My whole body aches with this flu and I have no energy.
One happy piece of news is my planned itinerary has officially flipped.  I’ll be heading to Nepal around November 19th then fly from Kolkota india to Bangkok January 8th. I’m very excited to experience something outside of Europe soon.  At any rate, think good thoughts for my macbook in Zagreb.
(Sorry for no pictures I’ve only taken a few and can’t be bothered uploading right now)
Song of the week 8:  Going Home Leonard Cohen.
His voice is growing on me as I get older, and has to be one of the finest poets in Canada’s history


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