Week 9: A rush of Inspiration.
Hello, it has been an incredibly enjoyable and productive week and I am very proud of my body right now for doing an admirable job fighting off sickness and not letting it slow me down too much.
I spent the vast majority of the week in Sibenik, where you last left me, though Tuesday through to Friday I ended up at Krka falls each and every day actually falling into a great little routing which was hard to get away from in the most wonderful of ways.
I had planned to stay 2 nights in Sibenik. Monday for the city and Tuesday for the falls. But Tuesday, I was just entirely too blown away by the seemingly endless series of rushing, wild water to dare not go back. So I extended one day and eventually three days. Really I could have stayed months, Krka had everything I wanted, including the somewhat disturbing presence of wi-fi across almost the entirety of the park, which was very strange. Really what the falls had in spades was untamed natural beauty, and well provided access to that insanity.
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I counted 48 swans on one of the boat trips up the river. |
A little sadly, but probably good for my self preservation, the set up at Krka made it difficult to really get properly in the waterfalls, and I had to hop some fences and break some rules to get some of my trademark dangerous play in, but I couldn’t do too much, as the viewpoints above made it hard to get out in the water too much unseen. Still I got some good climbing around in, and some amazing views from almost within the falls that you definitely we’re not supposed to get. I suppose most importantly of all, I survived, never really having a truly sketchy moment in my limited exploration.
Beyond anything though Krka falls was inspiration. I’d been having some minor trouble settling myself down to write the climactic scenes of Disappearing Eyes. This often happens as usually when I start a book I have at least a lose vision of the climax and have been waiting to write it for a long time, and for whatever reason that makes it hard to get started for me. Krka falls remedied that, when about 90 minutes into a hike around them, I found a small path after jumping a fence. The path wound its way down to a tiny natural platform of dirt shrouded in trees maybe 8 or ten feet from the top edge of one set of waterfalls and not far off from the bottom of another, completely isolated, comfortable angle of dirt and roots to sit in, the constant crash of water, and inspiring if obstructed views.
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My writing nook is just above the left side of the falls in those trees. It was a heavenly place. |
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Crazy that so close to the wildness of the falls You’ve got this calm river winding it’s way to the sea. |
Over the next three days the story just poured out of me, culminating on Thursday when I finished the first draft of the book writing something ridiculous like 6000 words in two and a half hours. After that I went exploring and had some more fun exploring the falls near my hideaway, getting insanely close to the edges but still staying safe and in control. I returned the next day for one last day at Krka on Friday where I edited that climax I’d written and ended up making it much stronger as I went before starting a new novella.
I’m now in the first step of editing Disappearing Eyes, just reading through the book as if it belonged to another author. In a few days I’ll start actually making changes, but so far I’m really quite thrilled with the product. Once I’ve polished it over the next few weeks I’ll be begging for people to read it and give me feedback, so I can improve it further. I think this book will be the first one I send out to actual publishers, it’s a manageable length and I think more appealing that the epic trilogy I just finished which is just too long and complex for a first published novel in my mind. If I ever become a successful writer then I will revisit the Drak Arowyn’ trilogy.
Friday night, my last evening in Sibenik, some new people came to the hostel which was nice, as until then it had been very quiet. The night before I’d actually slept alone in an 8 bed dorm, which was a weird feeling. At any rate, four lovely people, three from Belgium and one from Montreal, gave me the chance to speak French all night which was exhausting but a lot of fun, I’m so glad my parents put me in French immersion because Mme. Donna seemed nicer than Miss. Barfoot back in kindergarten. Learning another language so young definitely opened my mind and I can’t wait to get back to South America and get my Spanish, which has faded a lot, back up to relative fluency.
Saturday morning I woke up and caught the 6 hour bus to Zagreb, Croatia’s capital where I am writing from now. I met a nice Aussie Croat guy who liked to swear a lot but made the time pass faster and arrived at yet another nice hostel on my journey. Sadly the fate of my busted Mac screen is still hanging in the balance as the technician is not in the store until tomorrow morning. I’m hoping they an sort it under warranty, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
Today I woke up to the pouring rain, sad as I wanted to go write in a massive park and check out the zoo, instead I headed up to the old upper town and went to the oddest museum I have ever seen. The museum of Broken relationships, basically a collection of random items that symbolize a failed relationship and the story that goes along with them. It was really pretty cool and I kind of want to donate something. Still, kind of depressing to see alone on a rainy day, although altogether well worth it. After that I had some lunch and took my first nap of the two months of travels which was a good choice as now I’m up with energy to write the blog and watch some later football.
I have a few conundrums for the future, one is what to do about this computer, it could take a while to fix apparently, in which case it makes making it to Thessaloniki in time for my flight to Crete on the 11th. I’m really thinking about/leaning towards just going into Slovenia, seeing more or Serbia, Bulgaria, maybe Romania and heading into Turkey by land into Istanbul. I’ve heard amazing things bout Slovenia and Bulgaria too, I might even make it as far north as Vienna. It’s a pretty tempting option and my flight was only like 65 CAD so no big loss there. I guess well see what they say about my computer tomorrow. Still tempting to hang out and see new places, as I have been to Greece on two separate trips already. I’ll keep you updated as I decide.
Another issue is trying to buy my ticket to Nepal. The airline just will not take my money. I’ve tried two separate credit cards several different times and I cant seem to get them on the phone. It’s very frustrating. Tomorrow I’m going to wake up early and try to call them in Turkey and get it sorted. I’m super excited to get there too.
My other dilemma is what to write next once I’ve finished this short absurd novella and editing Disappearing Eyes. It is part one of a trilogy but I kind of want to get started on a few other projects as a big part of book two will be in South East Asia and I’d like to be there before I write that for obvious purposes, though it is a fantastical version of the places. I also have other ideas I am excited about but can’t decide what to sit down and write. Oh well I guess too many ideas is kind of a great problem to have.
At any rate I know one thing for sure, this week I am heading to Ptlivice Lakes national park which is supposed to be amazing for waterfalls, lakes and hikes. Hopefully I’ll have a fully functional computer by then for some more writing too. At any rate, Life is good, I’m back near good health again. The only problem with the Balkans has been food that’s too good, and I’m fairly sure the weight loss has kind of levelled off. One of these days I’m going to have to force myself back into it. I’m still down about 40 pounds, but need to make it another 40 or so.
The one other piece of really exciting news Is I’ve now been travelling just over two months. I’m keeping a detailed spreadsheet of all expenses. So far I’ve been travelling cheaper than expected and If I continue to spend the same amount of money as in these first two months I can afford almost 4 years of this with the money I’d laid out for travel. I think at most I’d cut it at three, but I’m still stunned how cheaply I’ve managed to live in what should be the most expensive leg of my trip, since Europe generally costs more than SE Asia and South America.
Okay time for me to sign off now. All the best to everyone and I’m still just enthralled by my travels and loving life. I hope whatever you are doing you are feeling the same thing.
Dad I still hate you for having seen this man live. What a poet. Anyone who doesn’t know him check out pleasures of the harbour and rehearsals for retirement for some of the best song writing I have ever encountered.
NEW ADDITION: I have decided I will probably want to remember all the books I have read on this trip as well so I’ll be adding that to the weekly column. If anyone has any books they think I must read please let me now on Facebook or by email, the one great joy of travelling is I have lots of time to read. So list of books read so far.
Books of the trip
American Gods – Neil Gaiman
The Rithmatist – Brandon Sanderson
The Ocean at the End of the Lane – Neil Gaiman
I am not a Serial – Killer Dan Wells
Mr. Monster – Dan Wells
I Don’t Want to Kill You – Dan Wells
River of Souls – Brandon Sanderson
Scar Tissue- Anthony Kiedis
Anansi Boys- Neil Gaiman
Way Of Shadows –Brent Weeks
Shadow’s Edge – Brent Weeks
Beyond the Shadows – Brent Weeks
Perfect Shadow –Brent Weeks
Our Man in Havana – Graham Greene
Black Prism- Brent Weeks
Steelheart- Brandon Sanderson *currently reading
Disappearing Eyes – Luke Robinson-Grant * currently writing