Border Crossing From Puno to La Paz - The Faster Way - Awe Around The Earth

Border Crossing From Puno to La Paz – The Faster Way

Date of Entry:  October 31st 2015

Place of Writing: Kultur Berlin Guesthouse, Tarija, Bolivia.  November 21st 2015

This is not an entry for those following my travels, it’s a nitty gritty entry with a few key travel tips.  For those looking to cross from Peru into Bolivia more quickly and with less Tourists using the Desaguadero border crossing.

Puno-Desaguadero-La Paz

The common border crossing, and the way I’ve done it before takes you through Copacabana and Isla del Sol on the Bolivian shores of Lake Titicaca.  It’s definitely worth a stop in Copacabana, but if you don’t have time it’s a silly way to go, for one it takes between 8 and 10 hours to get from Puno to La Paz, and it costs more.  For those looking to B-line towards Bolivia’s biggest city they should really check out the Desaguadero crossing, which is simple, safe, and much faster, clocking in at just under 5 hours door to door for me.

The first step is to get a mototaxi to the Zonal Terminal in Puno, (not the main bus terminal).  From there minibuses and collectivos depart for Desaguadero very frequently (I had to wait all of two minutes for my minibus) and cost about 10 soles for the minibus, 15 for the collectivo, which could cut even more time off it.

The common knock against this route is the scenery, but honestly on the Peruvian side you still get great views of the lake and some flamingoes if your lucky, plus lots of cool little Peruvian towns.  2 hours later you’ll arrive at Desaguadero.  Where the bus drops you off leaves you just about 5 minutes walk continuing up along the same main street to the Peruvian border checkpoint.  Go in and get you exit stamp, for me I had to wait all of two minutes for that to happen, then it’s an easy stroll across the bridge into Bolivia.

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Across the bridge stay on the left side of the road and find the migraciones office.  There I had to wait in line maybe 10 minutes, but I was stamped in right away and given 30 days (Canadian’s can only get that long without extending in La Paz).

Here is the WARNING of the article.  When I got stamped in I got told I did not need an immigration card despite asking specifically.  Chances are when you try to leave Bolivia you will be told you need one, so be insistent.  I fixed the problem easily and for free at the Migraciones office in Tarija just yesterday, but that can be a waste of time, so demand your little tourist information card much like the TAM in Peru, it will make leaving the country a lot easier.

Once you’re stamped in continue along the main street about 2.5 blocks where you will find a ton of minibuses and collectivos all over again to take you to La Paz.  I had the long wait of 5 minutes for this one, and paid 15 Soles for a Minibus.  It took about 2 hours as well, but does not leave you at La Paz main bus terminal, instead stoping near the main cemetery of the city.  From there I split a taxi ride with two french folk to the centre costing 15 BS total and boom 5 hours after leaving Puno, I’m in the centre of La Paz, getting settled in to my by basic, but very high value, private room at El Solario for 40 Bs for a private single with good wifi, or 30BS for a dorm.  It’s right in the centre and a great option for your stay in La Paz

Time:  10 minutes to Zonal Terminal in Puno, 2 hours to Desaguadero, 30 minutes at border, 2 hours to La Paz, 15 minutes to La Paz hostel.  Total:  4:55.

Cost:  Mototaxi to Zonal Terminal: 2 soles,  minibus to Border:  10 Soles,  minibus to La Paz: 15 Bolivianos,  Shared Taxi to La Paz Hotel:  5 Bolivianos.

Approximate Total in Canadian Dollars: 8.60


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