Overlanding Day 17 - On the Way to Chobe - Awe Around The Earth

Overlanding Day 17 – On the Way to Chobe

Date of Entry: November 15th 2016

Date of Writing: March 28th 2017

Today is mainly a driving day.  A day where we will leave Botswana and come back to it after a brief few hours back in Namibia.  But just because it’s a driving day and only a brief stay in Namibia, doesn’t mean this incredible country doesn’t have one more surprise for us in the form of a single elephant walking just off the highway.

We’re not allowed to stop for long as we’ve got a long day driving and we’re nearing the end of the trip, so now spare time to make it up.  Eventually we do stop in a little town for groceries and snacks and I wander a bit snapping some pictures of the area.  Even finding some Brazilian Hawainas for sale on the street, which makes me miss my new home.

We reach our camp just before sunset and get the tents set up, it’s set on a lovely river and is still an hour tor two drive from Chobe national park which is our destination tomorrow, and the length of the next post will certainly make up for the brevity of this one.  But we do catch yet another pretty sun rise before going to bed early, all full of anticipation for tomorrow. Everyone loves Chobe and I’m hoping it will be better than the Okovongo which was cool but lacked activities and big time animals.  It wasn’t bad but I feel hopeful Chobe will be even better.


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